Aspivix, le partenaire du dr Finci, gynécologue à Genève

Concerned about the well-being of women during their gynecological examination, we created with my engineer brother, Julien Finci and Mathieu Horras our CEO, a promising start-up, Aspivix.

Our team has developed and patented a new gynecological instrument, called Carevix. Below you will find the presentation link of our instrument.

It allows doctors to benefit from an efficient and less painful instrument that can be used to grasp the cervix, particularly when inserting an IUD.

A clinical study with our new instrument was carried out in partnership with the gynecology services of the University Hospital of Geneva HUG, and the University Hospital of Lausanne, CHUV.

The results of this study were published in a renowned international medical journal, Contraception.

Below you will find the link to our study:

Aspivix is ​​supported by Innosuisse and several partners active in innovation and supporting young companies in Switzerland and Europe.

To find out more, I invite you to visit our website:

Gynécologie obstétrique à Meyrin près de Genève - Dr Finci


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